Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

NPR Sunday Puzzle: Jan. 29, 2012

Will Shortz, NPR Sunday Puzzle

Here's the solution to last week's NPR Sunday Puzzle (Jan. 15):

Answer: This was a two-week creative challenge with multiple answers. For example: "The Nanny / Lost / All My Children."
NPR Sunday Puzzle for Jan. 29:
Write the digits from 1 to 9 in a line. If you put a plus sign after the 2, a times sign after the 4, and plus signs after the 6 and 8, the line shows 12 + 34 x 56 + 78 + 9, which equals 2003. That's nine years off from our current year 2012. This example uses four arithmetic symbols. The object is to use just three of the following arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, in a line from 1 to 9 to get 2012 exactly. The operations should be performed in order from left to right. There are no tricks to this puzzle. Can you do it?
Submit your answer to NPR for a chance to be on next week's broadcast and be sure to visit Jenny's Noodle next Sunday to see the correct answer!
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