They made the recession official this week. Clearly, we can see the drop at the pump with lower oil costs making the refined product much cheaper. As the cost to get to work declines, disposable income increases. Even with less cheap credit available, this is a good trend for our industry.
Lower oil prices should help dispose of the hefty fuel surcharges at the bottom of your invoices. Our friendly distributors will enjoy much lower fuel costs and lower cost of sales. If you are on a cost plus contract, you'll be seeing much lower costs for many items.
Corn market prices continue to stay well below the brutal prices of this summer. Corn is everywhere in the food chain. My daughter is allergic to corn and we comb the aisles looking for staples made with sugar. It is always a challenge.
Lower corn prices will eventually lead to lower costs to feed animals. Meat and dairy prices should reflect this drop in the months ahead.
Source: TFC Commodity Charts