Subject: How to off-set food cost ?
I have been interested in your recent comments on inventory levels affecting food cost. After a company would get their purchases and orders in line and start to control their waste at a unit level, at what point would you consider raising the sales prices of their entrees to help compensate for the increase in supply costs? How would you raise prices? Gradual or once a year? Do you have any suggestions?
Chuck Pagnotto
Director of Research & Development
Escape Enterprises
I would raise the prices prudently and let your customers know why the increase is needed. The recent run up in oil prices and subsequent move to greater use of ethanol is driving food costs up (8% in last 6 months). Treat this as a "one time" action necessitated by the rapid rise in costs.
It's always good to watch every competitor closely. Just a few months ago, the casual American grill group was in a price war.
As to the normal calendar, I like to increase beverage prices before the summer season and food prices before the year end Christmas season (annually).
Thanks for the question!